Source code for gym_nethack.envs.combat

import random
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import namedtuple

import dill
import numpy as np

from gym_nethack.nhutil import *
from gym_nethack.nhdata import *
from gym_nethack.fileio import append
from gym_nethack.misc import verboseprint
from gym_nethack.envs.base import Terminals, Goals, NetHackRLEnv

# records will saved as a list of the following type
Combat = namedtuple('Combat', 'monster base_map map player_pos monster_positions start_state start_attributes start_stats start_items start_stateffs action_list goal_reached end_attributes end_stats end_items')

[docs]class NetHackCombatEnv(NetHackRLEnv): """Arena-style player-on-monster NetHack combat environment, with specifiable monsters, items, atts/stats.""" def __init__(self, nhinfo=None): """Initialize basic one-on-one monster combat NetHack environment. Args: nhinfo: NetHackInfo object to be used (in cases of multiple environments like Level). If None (default), it is created in set_config(). """ super().__init__(nhinfo) self.records['combat'] = []
[docs] def load_and_sample_combats(self): """Optionally load in a list of objects of type Combat from self.savedir+/combat_records*.dll. This list of combats will then be the ones trained against in this environment. This method is called if load_combats=True is passed to set_config.""" combat_records = [] i = 1 while os.path.exists(self.savedir+"combat_records"+str(i)+".dll"): with open(self.savedir+"combat_records"+str(i)+".dll", 'rb') as finput: recs = dill.load(finput) combat_records.extend(recs) i += 1 # filter out invalid monster combats combat_records = [rec for rec in combat_records if 'remembered_unseen_creature' not in and len( > 0 and[0] in MONSTER_NAMES] # split up combats based on monster, and eliminate duplicates based on certain criteria unique_combats = set() combats_per_monster = [[] for i in range(len(MONSTER_NAMES))] for combat in combat_records: # criteria for duplicate checking: monster name, starting items, clvl, str, dex, AC, role (e.g., werewolf/normal), stat effs, dlvl tup = ([0], tuple(combat.start_items), combat.start_stats['exp'], combat.start_attributes['st'], combat.start_attributes['dx'], combat.start_stats['ac'], combat.start_attributes['role_title'], tuple(combat.start_stateffs), combat.start_stats['dlvl']) if tup not in unique_combats: mon_ind = MONSTER_NAMES.index([0]) combats_per_monster[mon_ind].append(combat) unique_combats.add((tup)) # sample final records MAX_NUM_COMBATS_PER_MONSTER = 300 NORMAL_COMBAT_RATIO = 0.85 WERE_COMBAT_RATIO = 0.00 STATEFF_COMBAT_RATIO = 0.15 assert NORMAL_COMBAT_RATIO + WERE_COMBAT_RATIO + STATEFF_COMBAT_RATIO == 1 for m_i, combats in enumerate(combats_per_monster): if len(combats) == 0: continue combats_per_stateff = [[] for i in range(len(STATUS_EFFECTS))] were_combats = [] normal_combats = [] # split combats into normal / lycanthropy / status effects # these 3 categories differ greatly in stategy, so we want to sample from each category appropriately. # sampling ratios are a few lines above this comment. for combat in combats: s_eff = False for s_i in range(len(STATUS_EFFECTS)): if combat.start_stateffs[s_i] == 1: combats_per_stateff[s_i].append(combat) s_eff = True if not s_eff: if 'Were' in combat.start_attributes['role_title']: were_combats.append(combat) else: normal_combats.append(combat) random.seed(1337) sampled_combats = [] stateff_combats = [x for sublist in combats_per_stateff for x in sublist] effective_stateff_ratio = STATEFF_COMBAT_RATIO if len(stateff_combats) > 0 and effective_stateff_ratio > 0: num_recs_to_sample = min(int(MAX_NUM_COMBATS_PER_MONSTER*effective_stateff_ratio), len(stateff_combats)) if len(stateff_combats) <= num_recs_to_sample: recs = stateff_combats else: dist = stats.planck(0.01).pmf(range(len(stateff_combats))) chosen_indices = np.random.choice(list(reversed(range(len(stateff_combats)))), size=num_recs_to_sample, replace=False, p=dist) recs = [stateff_combats[i] for i in chosen_indices] sampled_combats.extend(recs) effective_stateff_ratio = len(recs) / len(combats) effective_were_ratio = WERE_COMBAT_RATIO if len(were_combats) > 0 and effective_were_ratio > 0: num_recs_to_sample = min(int(MAX_NUM_COMBATS_PER_MONSTER*effective_were_ratio), len(were_combats)) if len(were_combats) <= num_recs_to_sample: recs = were_combats else: dist = stats.planck(0.01).pmf(range(len(were_combats))) chosen_indices = np.random.choice(list(reversed(range(len(were_combats)))), size=num_recs_to_sample, replace=False, p=dist) recs = [were_combats[i] for i in chosen_indices] sampled_combats.extend(recs) effective_were_ratio = len(recs) / len(combats) effective_norm_ratio = 1 - effective_stateff_ratio - effective_were_ratio if len(normal_combats) > 0 and effective_norm_ratio > 0: num_recs_to_sample = min(int(MAX_NUM_COMBATS_PER_MONSTER*effective_norm_ratio), len(normal_combats)) if len(normal_combats) <= num_recs_to_sample: recs = normal_combats else: dist = stats.planck(0.1).pmf(range(len(normal_combats))) chosen_indices = np.random.choice(list(reversed(range(len(normal_combats)))), size=num_recs_to_sample, replace=False, p=dist) recs = [normal_combats[i] for i in chosen_indices] sampled_combats.extend(recs) combats_per_monster[m_i] = sampled_combats combats_per_monster = [(diff, combats, m_i) for diff, (m_i, combats) in zip(MONSTER_DIFFICULTIES, enumerate(combats_per_monster))] combats_per_monster.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # print out num. combats per monster verboseprint("#comb diff mname") for diff, combats, m_i in combats_per_monster: verboseprint(len(combats), diff, MONSTER_NAMES[m_i]) final_records = [] for _, combats, _ in combats_per_monster: final_records.extend(combats) verboseprint("Total num:", len(combat_records), "and num selected:", len(final_records)) return final_records
[docs] def get_savedir_info_list(self): """Get the strings that should form the save directory name.""" return [ *super().get_savedir_info_list(), self.monsters_id, self.items_id, 'df' + str(self.clvl_to_mlvl_diff) ]
[docs] def set_config(self, proc_id, num_actions=-1, num_episodes=-1, clvl_to_mlvl_diff=-3, monsters='none', initial_equipment=[], items=None, item_sampling='uniform', num_start_items=5, action_list='all', fixed_ac=999, dlvl=None, tabular=False, test_policy=None, lr=0, units_d1=0, units_d2=0, skip_training=False, load_combats=False, **args): """Set config. Args: proc_id: process ID of this environment, to be matched with the argument passed to the daemon launching script. num_actions: number of total actions to train for. num_episodes: number of total episodes to train for (only used if load_combats is False). clvl_to_mlvl_diff: the number of levels higher than the monster level that the player level will be set monsters: tuple of (idname, ['mon1', 'mon2', ...]) of monsters to be faced initial_equipment: list of items that the player will always start each episode with items: tuple of (idname, ['item1', 'item2', ...]) of items to be used in sampling item_sampling: how to determine which of the above 'items' will be given to the player at each episode start. could be 'all' (all items); 'uniform' (uniform sampling of size equal to the parameter below); or 'type' (see get_initial_inventory() for details) num_start_items: number of items to randomly sample from the 'items' parameter if item_sampling == 'uniform' action_list: determines what actions the player can use. can be: 'weapons_only' (only weapons allowed); otherwise any action is allowed fixed_ac: the player's starting armor class (AC); if < 999, will be set to this value; otherwise default NH initial value will be used dlvl: dungeon level for the episode. affects monster attributes (thus difficulty). tabular: whether we are using a tabular representation for the Q-values (deprecated) test_policy: used for record folder name (also used in lr: used for record folder name (also used in units_d1: used for record folder name (also used in units_d2: used for record folder name (also used in skip_training: if True, will not add above info to folder name load_combats: whether to load combats from file to use for training; if True, many of the above parameters do not need to be specified. """ self.tabular = tabular self.abilities = ['approach', 'attack monster', 'line up (closer)', 'line up (farther)', 'equip bare hands', 'wait', 'random move', 'move to ammo', 'pick up ammo'] self.NUM_NON_ITEM_ABILITIES = len(self.abilities) self.action_list = action_list if action_list == 'weapons_only': self.item_set = [item for item in ALL_ITEMS if item.type in ['melee', 'ranged', 'projectile']] self.abilities.extend(self.item_set) self.include_armor = False else: self.item_set = ALL_ITEMS self.abilities.extend(self.get_all_item_abilities()) self.include_armor = True self.item_sampling = item_sampling self.flat_abilities = [] for i, ability in enumerate(self.abilities): if isinstance(ability, tuple): if ability.type == 'potion': ability = ability.use_type + " " + ability.full_name else: ability = ability.full_name self.flat_abilities.append(ability) self.flat_abilities.append(None) self.from_file = load_combats if self.from_file: self.savedir = 'combat_encounters/' self.combat_records = self.load_and_sample_combats() self.cur_enc_counter = 0 if os.path.exists(self.savedir+"enccount.dll"): with open(self.savedir+"enccount.dll", 'rb') as finput: self.cur_enc_counter = dill.load(finput) self.num_combat_encounters = len(self.combat_records) NUM_RUNS_PER_COMBAT_ENCOUNTER = 3 #2 #4 #3 AVG_ACTIONS_PER_ENCOUNTERS = 25 num_episodes = self.num_combat_encounters * NUM_RUNS_PER_COMBAT_ENCOUNTER num_actions = self.num_episodes * AVG_ACTIONS_PER_ENCOUNTERS self.memory_size = self.num_actions #(self.num_actions * 2) // 3 # self.num_actions_to_anneal_eps = (self.num_actions * 4) // 5 verboseprint("Num episodes:", self.num_episodes, "and approx acts:", self.num_actions, "- press [enter]...") input("") if self.tabular: self.input_size = len(MONSTERS)+1+len(MONS_CHARS)+1+1+3+len(ROLES)+len(ALIGNMENTS)+1+1+(11*5)+1+len(STATUS_EFFECTS)+len(self.item_set)+len(WEAPONS)+len(MAX_DIST)+4+3 #+1 else: self.input_size = len(MONSTERS)+1+len(MONS_CHARS)+1+1+3+len(ROLES)+len(ALIGNMENTS)+1+1+11+1+len(STATUS_EFFECTS)+len(self.item_set)+len(WEAPONS)+18+4+3 #+1 if self.include_armor: self.input_size += len(ARMOR) + len(RINGS) self.starting_roles = ['Bar'] if not self.from_file: self.clvl_to_mlvl_diff = clvl_to_mlvl_diff self.dlvl = 1 if dlvl is None else dlvl self.monsters = monsters[1] self.monsters_id = monsters[0] for mon in self.monsters: if mon not in MONSTER_NAMES: raise Exception(str(mon) + " is not in monster list!") self.items = items[1] self.items_id = items[0] for item in self.items: if item not in self.item_set: raise Exception("Can't use " + str(item)) self.initial_equipment = initial_equipment self.fixed_ac = fixed_ac self.num_start_items = num_start_items if not skip_training: self.fname_infos += [ 'lr' + str(lr), 'u' + str(units_d1) + '-' + str(units_d2), str(num_actions) ] super().set_config(proc_id, action_size=len(self.abilities), state_size=self.input_size, parse_items=True, max_num_actions=num_actions, max_num_episodes=num_episodes, max_num_actions_per_episode=200, **args)
[docs] def get_game_params(self): """Parameters to pass to NetHack on the creation of a new game. (Will be saved in the NetHack options file.)""" self.switch_encounter() role = self.get_initial_role() self.starting_items, self.starting_item_names = self.get_initial_inventory() self.cur_monster = random.choice(self.get_initial_monsters()).lower() self.initial_monster = self.cur_monster if not self.from_file: self.clvl = MONSTERS[MONSTER_NAMES.index(self.cur_monster)][1] + self.clvl_to_mlvl_diff num_armor_classes = 11 - -40 # 51 num_levels = 31 - 1 # 30 ac_lvl_ratio = num_armor_classes / num_levels # 1.7 if self.fixed_ac < 999: = self.fixed_ac else: = 11 - ((self.clvl) * ac_lvl_ratio) else: if self.cur_monster not in NH_MONS: append("Couldn't combat with " + self.cur_monster, self.savedir+"/errors") self.reset() return { 'proc_id': self.proc_id, 'character': role, 'clvl': self.clvl, 'inven': self.starting_item_names, 'mtype': NH_MONS.index(self.cur_monster), 'ac':, 'dlvl': self.dlvl, 'adj_mlvl': True if self.from_file or self.dlvl > 1 else False, 'st': if self.from_file else 0, 'dx': self.dx if self.from_file else 0, 'lyc': self.lyc_type if self.from_file else None, 'stateffs': self.stateff_flags if self.from_file else 1 }
[docs] def switch_encounter(self): """Called at the start of a new episode. If training on combats from file, switches to the next combat in the list.""" if not self.from_file: return cur_enc = self.combat_records[self.cur_enc_counter%self.num_combat_encounters] self.cur_enc_counter += 1 self.enc_start_items = cur_enc.start_items self.monsters = [] self.clvl = cur_enc.start_stats['exp'] = cur_enc.start_attributes['st'] self.dx = cur_enc.start_attributes['dx'] = cur_enc.start_stats['ac'] self.dlvl = cur_enc.start_stats['dlvl'] self.start_state = cur_enc.start_state self.start_stateffs = cur_enc.start_stateffs self.stateff_flags = 1 for s_eff, prime in zip(self.start_stateffs, [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7]): if s_eff == 1: self.stateff_flags *= prime self.nh.player_has_lycanthropy = 'Were' in cur_enc.start_attributes['role_title'] self.lyc_type = None if self.nh.player_has_lycanthropy: if 'rat' in cur_enc.start_attributes['role_title']: self.lyc_type = 0 elif 'jackal' in cur_enc.start_attributes['role_title']: self.lyc_type = 1 elif 'wolf' in cur_enc.start_attributes['role_title']: self.lyc_type = 2 else: raise Exception("Unknown lycanthropic type..!") if self.cur_enc_counter % 1000: with open(self.savedir+"enccount.dll", 'wb') as output: dill.dump(self.cur_enc_counter, output)
[docs] def reset(self): """Prepare the environment for a new episode.""" self.prev_prev_monster_pos = None self.prev_monster_pos = None self.cur_monster_pos = None self.cur_monster_glyph = None self.lost_health_this_game = False #self.starting_moves = True self.cur_monster = None self.next_square_to_monster = None return super().reset()
[docs] def process_msg(self, msg): """Processes the map screen outputted by NetHack.""" super().process_msg(msg) self.cur_monsters = self.nh.top_line.split('&')[-2].replace("\x17", "").replace("\x15", "").replace(" ", "_").replace("holding_you", "").split(",_") #.replace("peaceful_", "") self.cur_monsters = [mon for mon in self.cur_monsters if len(mon) > 0 and 'peaceful' not in mon and 'tame' not in mon and 'priestess_' not in mon and 'priest_' not in mon and all(m not in SHOPKEEPER_NAMES for m in mon.split())] temp_cur_monster = self.cur_monsters[0] if len(self.cur_monsters) > 0 else "" unseen_monster = 'unseen_creature' in temp_cur_monster hidden_monster = 'invisible' in temp_cur_monster self.cur_mon_invisible = hidden_monster or unseen_monster or len(self.nh.monster_positions) == 0 temp_cur_monster = temp_cur_monster.replace("invisible_", "").replace("remembered_unseen_creature", "") hallucinating = self.nh.stats['hallu'] == 'Hallu' or temp_cur_monster.lower() in IGNORE_MONS or temp_cur_monster.lower() in MONSTER_NAMES_HALLU if len(temp_cur_monster) > 2 and not hallucinating: self.cur_monster = temp_cur_monster # else, keep the old value in place. self.close_monster_positions = self.nh.monster_positions if len(self.nh.monster_positions) > 0: # find closest monster position. dists = [] for mon_pos in self.nh.monster_positions: dists.append((abs(self.nh.cur_pos[0]-mon_pos[0])+abs(self.nh.cur_pos[1]-mon_pos[1]), mon_pos)) verboseprint("Mon pos:", mon_pos, "and dist to player: ", dists[-1][0]) self.close_monster_positions = [m[1] for m in dists if m[0] <= 6] self.cur_monster_pos = min(dists)[1] if len(dists) > 0 else None if not hallucinating and not unseen_monster: # we can see a monster and are not hallucinating, so save the monster's glyph. self.cur_monster_glyph =[self.cur_monster_pos[0]][self.cur_monster_pos[1]] else: # even if hallucinating, we know the monster's position. self.cur_monster_pos = None # keep the previous glyph value in place verboseprint(self.cur_monster_pos, self.cur_monster, self.cur_mon_invisible, self.cur_monster_glyph) self.prev_prev_monster_pos = self.prev_monster_pos self.prev_monster_pos = self.cur_monster_pos if self.single and self.total_actions_this_episode == 0: self.nh.mark_all_explored() # determine some things about the message so we don't keep recomputing them... self.monster_in_line_of_fire = self.is_monster_in_line_of_fire() if len(self.cur_monsters) > 0 else False if len(self.nh.rooms) == 0: self.nh.rooms.append(Room(self.nh)) if 'hp' in self.nh.prev_stats and 'hp' in self.nh.stats and int(self.nh.stats['hp']) < int(self.nh.prev_stats['hp']): self.lost_health_this_game = True
[docs] def get_status(self, msg): """Check if we died or the monster died.""" status = Terminals.OK goal_reached = None if "***died***" in msg: # if in arena mode and we died, NH will send us this signal verboseprint("***Died!***") status = Terminals.PLAYER_DIED goal_reached = Goals.LOSS elif "***mondead***" in msg: # if in arena mode and monster has died, NH will send us this signal verboseprint("***Monster has died!***") status = Terminals.MONSTER_DIED goal_reached = Goals.SUCCESS return status, goal_reached
[docs] def start_episode(self): """Start a new episode by preparing the episode record and checking if setup completed successfully.""" assert self.nh is not None self.rooms = [Room(self.nh)] self.records['combat'].append(Combat(self.cur_monsters, self.nh.base_map,, self.nh.cur_pos, deepcopy(self.nh.monster_positions), self.get_state(), deepcopy(self.nh.attributes), deepcopy(self.nh.stats), deepcopy(self.nh.inventory), self.get_status_effects(), [], 0, {}, {}, [])) if self.single and not assert_setup(self.starting_items, self.nh.inventory, self.initial_monster, self.nh.top_line, self.nh.monster_positions, self.nh.stats, verboseprint("Invalid episode") return False return super().start_episode()
[docs] def end_episode(self): """End episode by recording episode data.""" assert len(self.records['combat']) > 0 self.records['combat'][-1] = self.records['combat'][-1]._replace(end_items = deepcopy(self.nh.inventory)) self.records['combat'][-1] = self.records['combat'][-1]._replace(end_attributes = deepcopy(self.nh.attributes)) self.records['combat'][-1] = self.records['combat'][-1]._replace(end_stats = deepcopy(self.nh.stats)) self.records['combat'][-1] = self.records['combat'][-1]._replace(goal_reached = self.goal_reached) assert self.cur_monster is not None #assert self.goal_reached is not None assert self.nh.inventory is not None append("Goal: " + str(self.goal_reached) + "; actions: " + str(self.records['combat'][-1].action_list) + "; monster: " + self.cur_monster + "; starting inventory: " + str(self.nh.inventory), self.savedir+"trajectories") super().end_episode()
[docs] def get_reward(self, status): """Return the reward for the given status.""" if status == Terminals.MONSTER_DIED: verboseprint("Reward: 20 (monster not found)") return 20 elif status == Terminals.PLAYER_DIED: verboseprint("Reward: -2 (died)") return -2 #elif self.prev_stats['hp'] - self.stats['hp'] > 2: # return -0.5 #elif len(self.nh.inventory) < self.len_prev_inventory: # return -0.25 elif status == Terminals.IMPOSSIBLE_ACTION: assert False else: verboseprint("Reward: -0.02 (time)") return -1/50
[docs] def get_state(self): """Create and return the current state vector.""" state = [ *self.get_monster_vector(), # len(MONSTERS)+1+len(MONS_CHARS)+1 *self.get_num_monsters(), # 3 *self.get_character_vector(), # len(ROLES) *self.get_alignment_vector(), # len(ALIGNMENTS) self.lost_health_this_game, # 1 self.nh.player_has_lycanthropy, # 1 *self.get_norm_stats(discrete=self.tabular), # 10 // 10*5 self.nh.is_player_invisible(), # 1 *self.get_status_effects(), # len(STATUS_EFFECTS) *self.get_inventory_vector(), # len(self.item_set) *self.get_current_equipment(), # len(WEAPONS) (+len(ARMOR)+len(RINGS)) *self.get_distance_info(True), # 5 // len(MAX_DIST)+4 *self.get_ranged_info(), # 3 #self.starting_moves # ] assert len(state) == self.input_size return np.array(state)
[docs] def get_valid_action_indices(self): """Return the list of valid action indices (according to the self.abilities list).""" assert len(self.nh.rooms) > 0 valid_actions = [] self.closest_ammo_pos = None # common info that might be needed cur_weap, cur_weap_cursed = self.nh.get_cur_weapon() #assert isinstance(cur_weap, Weapon) or cur_weap is None mpos = self.cur_monster_pos if mpos is not None: verboseprint("Monster has position; checking movement actions") self.next_square_to_monster = self.nh.pathfind_to(mpos, explored_set=self.nh.explored, override_target_traversability=True, full_path=False) dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - mpos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - mpos[1] dx_a, dy_a = abs(dx), abs(dy) dx_i, dy_i = -1*(bool(dx > 0) - bool(dx < 0)), -1*(bool(dy > 0) - bool(dy < 0)) lined_positions = self.nh.rooms[0].get_lined_positions(mpos) if (dx_a > 1 or dy_a > 1) and self.next_square_to_monster is not None: valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("approach")) if dx_a <= 1 and dy_a <= 1: valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("attack monster")) if not self.monster_in_line_of_fire and (dx_a > 1 or dy_a > 1) and len(lined_positions) > 0: valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("line up (closer)")) if not self.monster_in_line_of_fire and len(lined_positions) > 0: valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("line up (farther)")) if cur_weap is not None and not cur_weap_cursed: valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("equip bare hands")) if len(self.nh.ammo_positions) > 0 and not all(ammo_pos == self.nh.cur_pos for ammo_pos in self.nh.ammo_positions): verboseprint("Number of ammo positions:", len(self.nh.ammo_positions)) close_ammo = [] for ammo_pos in self.nh.ammo_positions: if self.nh.cur_pos == ammo_pos: continue trajectory = deque(self.nh.pathfind_to(ammo_pos, explored_set=self.nh.explored, override_target_traversability=True)) if len(trajectory) > 6: continue close_ammo.append((len(trajectory), trajectory)) if len(close_ammo) > 0: self.closest_ammo_pos = min(close_ammo) valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("move to ammo")) if self.nh.char_under_player() == ')': valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("pick up ammo")) valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("wait")) valid_actions.append(self.abilities.index("random move")) # item related ones. checked_indices = set() # guard against duplicate items (e.g., one weap equipped and same weap but different copy not equipped) for inven_item, _, stripped_name, matched_item, qty in self.nh.inventory: verboseprint("Checking inventory for actions:", inven_item) if stripped_name in IGNORED_ITEMS or matched_item is None: continue if matched_item.type == 'potion': #isinstance(matched_item, Potion): throw_pot = Potion(, matched_item.type, matched_item.buc, 'throw', matched_item.full_name) use_pot = Potion(, matched_item.type, matched_item.buc, 'use', matched_item.full_name) indices = [self.abilities.index(throw_pot), self.abilities.index(use_pot)] else: indices = [self.abilities.index(matched_item)] for i in indices: if i in checked_indices: continue ability = self.abilities[i] valid = False if ability.type in ['melee', 'ranged']: if not wielding(inven_item) and not cur_weap_cursed: valid = True elif ability.type in ARMOR_TYPES: if not wearing(inven_item) and ability.type not in self.nh.equipped_armor_types: if ability.type != 'shirt' or ('cloak' not in self.nh.equipped_armor_types and 'body armor' not in self.nh.equipped_armor_types): valid = True elif ability.type == 'projectile': if cur_weap is not None and in RANGED_WEAP_NAMES and self.monster_in_line_of_fire: valid = True elif ability.type == 'potion': if ability.use_type == 'throw': if mpos is not None and self.monster_in_line_of_fire: valid=True elif ability.use_type == 'use': valid = True elif ability.type == 'scroll': valid = True if self.nh.stats['conf'] != 'Conf' else False elif ability.type == 'wand': if mpos is not None and self.monster_in_line_of_fire and qty > 0: valid = True elif ability.type == 'ring': if 'hand' not in inven_item and self.nh.num_equipped_rings < 2 and (not cur_weap_cursed or self.nh.num_equipped_rings < 1): valid_actions.append(i) if valid: valid_actions.append(i) checked_indices.update(indices) if len(indices) == 0: # we couldn't map the inventory item to an ability append("Cannot map " + inven_item + " to ability (stripped: " + stripped_name + ")", self.savedir+"errors") raise Exception("Cannot map " + inven_item + " to ability (stripped: " + stripped_name + ")!") assert len(valid_actions) > 0 return np.array(valid_actions)
[docs] def get_all_item_abilities(self): """Split the potion items into ones of type 'throw' and 'use' - other items are unchanged.""" items = [] for item in ALL_ITEMS: if item.type == 'potion': items.append(Potion(, item.type, item.buc, "throw", item.full_name)) items.append(Potion(, item.type, item.buc, "use", item.full_name)) else: items.append(item) return items
[docs] def get_initial_role(self): """Get player's initial role for each episode.""" return random.choice(self.starting_roles)
[docs] def get_initial_inventory(self): """Get player's starting inventory for each episode.""" if self.from_file: item_names = [] for j, (inven_item, x, stripped_name, matched_item, qty) in enumerate(self.enc_start_items): matchname = matched_item.full_name new_matched_item = matched_item if 'ring mail' in matchname and '+' not in matchname and '-' not in matchname: matchname = matchname.replace("cursed ", "cursed +0 ").replace("blessed ", "blessed +0 ") new_matched_item = matched_item._replace(full_name = matchname) self.enc_start_items[j] = (inven_item, x, stripped_name, new_matched_item, qty) if stripped_name in IGNORED_ITEMS: continue if equipped(inven_item): item_names.append("*" + str(qty) + " " + matchname) else: item_names.append(str(qty) + " " + matchname) items.append(new_matched_item) return items, item_names elif self.item_sampling == 'all': items = self.items elif self.item_sampling == 'uniform': if len(self.items) == 0: return [], [] items = random.sample(self.items, self.num_start_items) elif self.item_sampling == 'type': items = [] # one melee weapon per selected materials (4 total) #melee_weapons = [weap for weap in self.items if weap.type == 'melee' and weap.buc == 'uncursed' and weap.enchantment == '+0' and weap.condition == ''] for material in ['iron', 'silver', 'wood']: items.append(random.choice([weap for weap in self.items if weap.type == 'melee' and weap.material == material and weap.buc == 'uncursed' and weap.enchantment == '+0' and weap.condition == ''])) #items.extend(random.sample(melee_weapons, 3)) # add ranged weap items.append(random.choice([weap for weap in self.items if weap.type == 'ranged'])) # add 10 of two random ammo types per ranged weap. num_ranged = len([weap for weap in items if weap.type == 'ranged' and weap.buc == 'uncursed' and weap.enchantment == '+0' and weap.condition == '']) for i in range(num_ranged): ammo_types = random.sample([proj for proj in PROJECTILES if proj.buc == 'uncursed' and proj.enchantment == '+0' and proj.condition == ''], 2) for ammo in ammo_types: #for i in range(10): items.append(ammo) # ensure at least one weap for small/large damage bias (skip 'equal' bias type) #if not any(weap.dsize == 'small' for weap in items): # items.append(random.choice([weap for weap in self.items if weap.type in ['melee', 'ranged'] and weap.dsize == 'small'])) #if not any(weap.dsize == 'large' for weap in items): # items.append(random.choice([weap for weap in self.items if weap.type in ['melee', 'ranged'] and weap.dsize == 'large'])) if self.action_list != 'weapons_only': # 2 random potions potions = [pot for pot in self.items if pot.type == 'potion'] if len(potions) > 0: items.extend(random.sample(potions, 3)) # 2 random scrolls scrolls = [pot for pot in self.items if pot.type == 'scroll'] if len(scrolls) > 0: items.extend(random.sample(scrolls, 3)) # 2 random wands wands = [item for item in self.items if item.type == 'wand'] if len(wands) > 0: items.extend(random.sample(wands, 3)) rings = [item for item in self.items if item.type == 'ring'] if len(rings) > 0: items.extend(random.sample(rings, 5)) # five diff. armors #selected_armor_type = random.choice(ARMOR_TYPES) armors = [item for item in self.items if item.type in ARMOR_TYPES and 'dragon scale mail' in item.full_name and 'gray' not in item.full_name] items.extend(armors) #if len(armors) > 0: # items.extend(random.sample(armors, 4)) # 5 weaps + 2*10 ammo + 3 items + 5 armors = 15 items in inven. else: raise Exception("Unknown item sampling type ('uniform'/'type' allowed).") item_names = [] for item in items: if item.type == 'projectile': # add 10 of selected ammo item_names.append("10 " + item.full_name) elif item.type == 'ring': item_names.append("uncursed +0 " + item.full_name.replace("uncursed ", "")) else: item_names.append(item.full_name) for item in self.initial_equipment: items.append(item) item_names.append("* " + item.full_name) return items, item_names
[docs] def get_initial_monsters(self): """Get the possible monsters for each episode.""" return self.monsters if not self.from_file else self.monsters[0]
[docs] def set_test(self): """Change environment from training to test mode.""" #assert = False self.total_num_games = 0 self.cur_enc_counter = 0
[docs] def save_encounter_info(self): """Called during full level combat to save combat encounters for training later on.""" verboseprint("** Creating new combat record **") self.records['combat'].append(Combat(self.cur_monsters, self.nh.base_map,, self.nh.cur_pos, deepcopy(self.nh.monster_positions), self.get_state(), deepcopy(self.nh.attributes), deepcopy(self.nh.stats), deepcopy(self.nh.inventory), self.get_status_effects(), [], "", {}, {}, []))
[docs] def get_command_for_action(self, action): """Translate the given action (of type integer -- an index into the self.abilities list) into a command that can be passed to NetHack, of type CMD.""" actstr = self.abilities[action] self.records['combat'][-1].action_list.append(actstr) if self.abilities[action] == 'wait': return CMD.WAIT elif self.abilities[action] == 'equip bare hands': # de-equip current weapon. return [CMD.WIELD, "-"] elif self.abilities[action] == 'move to ammo': assert self.closest_ammo_pos is not None next_square = self.closest_ammo_pos[1][0] # first step in trajectory dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - next_square[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - next_square[1] assert not (dx == 0 and dy == 0) verboseprint("Moving towards ammo") dx_i, dy_i = -1*(bool(dx > 0) - bool(dx < 0)), -1*(bool(dy > 0) - bool(dy < 0)) return get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) elif self.abilities[action] == 'pick up ammo': # move towards ammo ... then pick up. assert self.nh.char_under_player() == ')' verboseprint("Standing on top of ammo") return CMD.PICKUP elif self.abilities[action] == 'random move': return get_cmd_from_delta(*random.choice(DIRS_DIAG)) elif action >= self.NUM_NON_ITEM_ABILITIES: #isinstance(self.abilities[action], tuple): item = self.abilities[action] inven_char = self.nh.get_inven_char_for_item(item) if inven_char is None: raise Exception("Tried to use " + item + " but there was no associated inven char!") if item.type in ['melee', 'ranged']: return [CMD.WIELD, inven_char] elif item.type in ARMOR_TYPES: return [CMD.WEAR, inven_char] elif item.type == 'potion' and item.use_type == 'use': return [CMD.QUAFF, inven_char] elif item.type == 'scroll': #if 'teleportation' in item.full_name or 'magic mapping' in item.full_name: # self.reset_expl() #TODO: Fix for level context return [CMD.READ, inven_char] elif item.type == 'ring': return [CMD.PUTON, inven_char] # common info that might be needed mpos = self.cur_monster_pos #dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - mpos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - mpos[1] dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - self.next_square_to_monster[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - self.next_square_to_monster[1] dx_a, dy_a = abs(dx), abs(dy) dx_i, dy_i = -1*(bool(dx > 0) - bool(dx < 0)), -1*(bool(dy > 0) - bool(dy < 0)) assert self.nh.cur_pos != self.cur_monster_pos assert dx_i != 0 or dy_i != 0 if self.abilities[action] == 'approach': verboseprint("Approaching monster: delta: ", dx_i, dy_i) verboseprint("Monster at pos", mpos, "and player is at", self.nh.cur_pos) return get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) elif self.abilities[action] == 'attack monster': # get cur weap index in self.abilities... cur_weap, _ = self.nh.get_cur_weapon() verboseprint("Attacking monster: delta: ", dx_i, dy_i, ", weapon:", cur_weap) return get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) elif 'line up' in self.abilities[action]: # move in direction parallel to monster(?) lined_positions = self.nh.rooms[0].get_lined_positions(mpos) # get positions in monster L.O.F. (line of fire)... dist_pos = [] for lx, ly in list(lined_positions): dist_to_player = max(abs(self.nh.cur_pos[0] - lx), abs(self.nh.cur_pos[1] - ly)) dist_pos.append((dist_to_player, (lx, ly))) min_dist = min(dist_pos)[0] min_positions = [(d, (lx, ly)) for (d, (lx, ly)) in dist_pos if d == min_dist] for i, (_, (lx, ly)) in enumerate(min_positions): dist_to_mon = max(abs(lx - mpos[0]), abs(ly - mpos[1])) min_positions[i] = (dist_to_mon, (lx, ly)) closest_pos = min(min_positions)[1] if 'closer' in self.abilities[action] else max(min_positions)[1] # get direction towards that point dlx, dly = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - closest_pos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - closest_pos[1] dlx_i, dly_i = -1*(bool(dlx > 0) - bool(dlx < 0)), -1*(bool(dly > 0) - bool(dly < 0)) return get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) elif action >= self.NUM_NON_ITEM_ABILITIES: item = self.abilities[action] inven_char = self.nh.get_inven_char_for_item(item) assert inven_char is not None direction = get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) if item.type == 'potion' and item.use_type == 'throw': return [CMD.THROW, inven_char, direction] elif item.type == 'projectile': # throw this projectile using currently equipped ranged weapon. direction = get_cmd_from_delta(dx_i, dy_i) #if in [ for weap in ALL_WEAPONS_RANGED]: return [CMD.THROW, inven_char, direction] #elif in NH_THROWING_WEAPONS: # return [CMD.THROW, inven_char, direction] #else: # raise Exception("Ranged weapon is neither firing or throwing type.") elif item.type == 'wand': return [CMD.ZAP, inven_char, direction] else: raise Exception("Unhandled item type: " + item_type) else: raise Exception("Unknown action: " + action)
[docs] def action_took_effect(self): """Check if the last action taken has actually taken effect. Helps to diagnose errors that can propagate in state.""" action = self.last_action assert action is not None if self.abilities[action] in ['wait']: #, 'attack monster']: return self.nh.cur_pos == self.nh.prev_pos or 'expel' in self.nh.top_line # or self.stats['conf'] == 'Conf' or 'swap places' in self.top_line or 'picks up' in self.top_line or self.stats['blind'] == 'Blind' elif self.abilities[action] == 'equip bare hands': for inven_item, _, _, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if wielding(inven_item): return False elif self.abilities[action] == ['move to ammo', 'approach', 'line up (closer)', 'line up (farther)']: return self.nh.cur_pos != self.nh.prev_pos or self.nh.stats['conf'] == 'Conf' #elif self.abilities[action] == 'pick up ammo': # for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, weap_obj, qty in self.nh.inventory: # if weap_obj.type == 'projectile': # return self.len_prev_inventory < len(self.nh.inventory) # return False elif action >= self.NUM_NON_ITEM_ABILITIES: item = self.abilities[action] if item.type in ['melee', 'ranged']: for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if wielding(inven_item) and item_match(item.full_name, stripped_inven_item): return True return False elif item.type in ARMOR_TYPES: for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if wearing(inven_item) and item_match(item.full_name, stripped_inven_item): return True return False elif item.type in ['potion', 'scroll']: return self.nh.len_prev_inventory > len(self.nh.inventory) #elif item.type == 'projectile': # if self.len_prev_inventory > len(self.nh.inventory): # return True # for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, obj, qty in self.nh.inventory: # if item_match(item.full_name, stripped_inven_item): # elif item.type == 'ring': for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if 'hand)' in inven_item and item_match(item.full_name, stripped_inven_item): return True return False return True
[docs] def get_monster_pos(self): """Get the position of the current monsteer: assuming only one monster.""" if len(self.nh.monster_positions) > 0: # assume only one monster...! return self.nh.monster_positions[0] return None
[docs] def get_distance_info(self, discrete): """Get the distance info for the state.""" mpos = self.cur_monster_pos if len(self.cur_monsters) > 0 else None MAP_WIDTH = 18 MAP_HEIGHT = 6 MAX_DIST = 18 #max(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) # diagonal movement permitted so take max you_changed_pos = 0 if (self.nh.prev_pos is None or self.nh.cur_pos == self.nh.prev_pos) else 1 #print("You moved last turn?", True if you_changed_pos == 1 else False) #print("Monster cur pos:", mpos, "and prev pos:", self.prev_monster_pos, "and prev prev pos:", self.prev_prev_monster_pos) verboseprint("Monster:", mpos, ", player:", self.nh.cur_pos) if discrete: dist_vector = [0] * MAX_DIST # one-hot encoding for generalizability (discussed with prof. verbrugge) if mpos is None: dist_vector.extend([False, False, you_changed_pos, False]) return dist_vector # no monster pos so can't calculate anything dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - mpos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - mpos[1] #print("Player pos:", self.cur_pos, " and dist to monster: ", (dx, dy), " and prev pos:", self.nh.prev_pos, " and prev prev pos:", self.prev_prev_pos) dist_to_monster = max(abs(dx), abs(dy)) # get distance to monster (diagonal movement permitted) assert dist_to_monster >= 0 and dist_to_monster <= MAX_DIST dist_vector[dist_to_monster-1] = 1 # dist_vector[0] = 1 --> monster adjacent to player else: if mpos is None: return [0, False, False, you_changed_pos, False] dist_vector = [] dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - mpos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - mpos[1] #print("Player pos:", self.cur_pos, " and dist to monster: ", (dx, dy), " and prev pos:", self.nh.prev_pos, " and prev prev pos:", self.prev_prev_pos) dist_to_monster = max(abs(dx), abs(dy)) # get distance to monster (diagonal movement permitted) assert (dist_to_monster >= 0 and dist_to_monster <= MAX_DIST) or self.nh.stats['hallu'] == 'Hallu' norm_dist = dist_to_monster / MAX_DIST dist_vector.append(norm_dist) monster_changed_pos = 0 if (self.prev_monster_pos is None or mpos == self.prev_monster_pos) else 1 #print("Monster moved last turn?", True if monster_changed_pos == 1 else False) if self.prev_prev_monster_pos is not None and self.prev_monster_pos is not None: prev_prev_dist = max(abs(self.prev_prev_monster_pos[0] - self.nh.prev_prev_pos[0]), abs(self.prev_prev_monster_pos[1] - self.nh.prev_prev_pos[1])) prev_dist = max(abs(self.prev_monster_pos[0] - self.nh.prev_pos[0]), abs(self.prev_monster_pos[1] - self.nh.prev_pos[1])) cur_dist = max(abs(mpos[0] - self.nh.cur_pos[0]), abs(mpos[1] - self.nh.cur_pos[1])) monster_approached = 1 if (prev_prev_dist - cur_dist) > 1 else 0 #print("Cur dist:", cur_dist, ", prev_dist:", prev_dist, ", prev prev dist:", prev_prev_dist) #monster_approached = 1 if cur_dist < prev_dist and self.prev_monster_pos != mpos else 0 elif self.prev_monster_pos is not None: prev_dist = max(abs(self.prev_monster_pos[0] - self.nh.prev_pos[0]), abs(self.prev_monster_pos[1] - self.nh.prev_pos[1])) cur_dist = max(abs(mpos[0] - self.nh.cur_pos[0]), abs(mpos[1] - self.nh.cur_pos[1])) monster_approached = 1 if cur_dist < prev_dist and self.prev_monster_pos != mpos else 0 else: monster_approached = 0 verboseprint("Monster approached for two last turns?", True if monster_approached == 1 else False) you_approached = 0 if self.nh.prev_pos is not None and self.prev_monster_pos is not None: dist_prevplayer_prevmonster = max(abs(self.prev_monster_pos[0] - self.nh.prev_pos[0]), abs(self.prev_monster_pos[1] - self.nh.prev_pos[1])) dist_curplayer_prevmonster = max(abs(self.prev_monster_pos[0] - self.nh.cur_pos[0]), abs(self.prev_monster_pos[1] - self.nh.cur_pos[1])) if dist_curplayer_prevmonster < dist_prevplayer_prevmonster: # got closer to the monster's last position you_approached = 1 verboseprint("You approached monster last turn?", True if you_approached == 1 else False) dist_vector.extend([monster_changed_pos, monster_approached, you_changed_pos, you_approached]) assert all(d >= 0 and d <= 1 for d in dist_vector) return dist_vector
[docs] def get_monster_vector(self): """Get the monster vector for the state.""" verboseprint("Monsters detected:" + str(self.cur_monsters)) mons_vec = [0] * (len(MONSTERS)+1) mons_char_vec = [0] * (len(MONS_CHARS)+1) if self.cur_monster is None: return mons_vec + mons_char_vec + [0] elif self.cur_monster_pos is None: verboseprint("No monsters detected (monster invisible/hallucinating)") mons_vec[MONSTER_NAMES.index(self.cur_monster.lower())] = 1 mons_char_vec[MONS_CHARS.index(self.cur_monster_glyph)] = 1 invis = True else: verboseprint("Monster detected:" + self.cur_monster.lower()) mons_vec[MONSTER_NAMES.index(self.cur_monster.lower())] = 1 mons_char_vec[MONS_CHARS.index(self.cur_monster_glyph)] = 1 invis = self.cur_mon_invisible #assert sum(mons_vec) == 1 return mons_vec + mons_char_vec + [invis] ''' if len(self.cur_monsters) == 0: verboseprint("No monsters") elif self.stats['hallu'] == 'Hallu': verboseprint("Hallucinating - not sure which monster present") mons_vec[-1] = 1 mons_char_vec[-1] = 1 else: print(len(self.cur_monsters), len(self.close_monster_positions)) #assert len(self.cur_monsters) == len(self.close_monster_positions) for mname in self.cur_monsters: if mname in MONSTER_NAMES_HALLU or mname in IGNORE_MONS: mons_vec[-1] = 1 else: if mname.lower() not in MONSTER_NAMES: raise Exception(mname.lower()) mons_vec[MONSTER_NAMES.index(mname.lower())] = 1 #for mpos in self.close_monster_positions: mons_char_vec[MONS_CHARS.index([self.cur_monster_pos[0]][self.cur_monster_pos[1]])] = 1 verboseprint("There are " + str(sum(mons_vec)) + " monsters...") return mons_vec + mons_char_vec '''
[docs] def get_character_vector(self): """Get the player role info for the state.""" char_vec = [0] * len(ROLES) char_vec[ROLES.index(get_role_for_title(self.nh.attributes['role_title']))] = 1 assert sum(char_vec) == 1 return char_vec
[docs] def get_alignment_vector(self): """Get the player alignment info for the state.""" align_vec = [0] * len(ALIGNMENTS) align_vec[ALIGNMENTS.index(self.nh.attributes['align'][:2])] = 1 assert sum(align_vec) == 1 return align_vec
[docs] def get_norm_stats(self, discrete): """Get the player attributes/dungeon level vector for the state.""" NormStat = namedtuple('normstat', 'name val min_val max_val') stats = [ NormStat('dlvl', int(self.nh.stats['dlvl']), 1, 30), NormStat('hp', int(self.nh.stats['hp']), 0, int(self.nh.stats['hp_max'])), NormStat('pw', int(self.nh.stats['pw']), 0, int(self.nh.stats['pw_max'])), NormStat('clvl', int(self.nh.stats['exp']), 1, 30), NormStat('str', int(self.nh.attributes['st']), 3, 25), NormStat('dex', int(self.nh.attributes['dx']), 3, 25), NormStat('const', int(self.nh.attributes['co']), 3, 25), NormStat('int', int(self.nh.attributes['in']), 3, 25), NormStat('wis', int(self.nh.attributes['wi']), 3, 25), NormStat('cha', int(self.nh.attributes['ch']), 3, 25), NormStat('ac', int(self.nh.stats['ac']), -40, 15) ] norm_stats = [] for stat in stats: #verboseprint( + ": " + str(stat.val)) assert stat.val >= stat.min_val and stat.val <= stat.max_val norm = (stat.val - stat.min_val) / (stat.max_val+1 - stat.min_val) assert norm >= 0 and norm <= 1 if discrete: norm_stat = [0] * 5 # num bins for i in range(1, 6): if norm >= (i-1)*0.2 and norm <= i*0.2: norm_stat[i-1] = 1 break assert sum(norm_stat) == 1 norm_stats.extend(norm_stat) else: norm_stats.append(norm) return norm_stats
[docs] def get_current_equipment(self): """Get the current equipment vector (weapons/armor/rings) for the state.""" weapons = [0] * len(WEAPONS) for inven_item, _, _, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if wielding(inven_item): weapons[WEAPONS.index(obj)] = 1 verboseprint("Current equipped weapon:", inven_item) break assert sum(weapons) <= 1 if not self.include_armor: return weapons armors = [0] * len(ARMOR) rings = [0] * len(RINGS) for inven_item, _, _, obj, _ in self.nh.inventory: if 'being worn' in inven_item: armors[ARMOR.index(obj)] = 1 verboseprint("Armor equipped:", inven_item) elif 'on left hand' in inven_item or 'on right hand' in inven_item: rings[RINGS.index(obj)] = 1 verboseprint("Ring equipped:", inven_item) return weapons + armors + rings
[docs] def get_status_effects(self): """Get the player status effects info for the state.""" stat_effs = [0] * len(STATUS_EFFECTS) for i, (skey, sval) in enumerate(STATUS_EFFECTS): if self.nh.stats[skey] == sval: verboseprint("Status effect:", sval) stat_effs[i] = 1 return stat_effs
[docs] def get_num_monsters(self): """Get the number of monsters for the state.""" num_monsters = len(self.close_monster_positions) if num_monsters > 2: num_monsters = 2 num_mons_vec = [0] * 3 num_mons_vec[num_monsters] = 1 # 0->0; 1->1; 2+->2 return num_mons_vec
[docs] def get_inventory_vector(self): """Get the player inventory vector for the state.""" items = [0] * len(self.item_set) ignored = 0 for inven_item, _, stripped_inven_item, weap_obj, qty in self.nh.inventory: #if weap_obj not in self.item_set: # continue if weap_obj is None: verboseprint("\n", stripped_inven_item, weap_obj) elif weap_obj is not None: if weap_obj.type == 'projectile': items[self.item_set.index(weap_obj)] = min(1, qty/10) elif weap_obj.type == 'wand': items[self.item_set.index(weap_obj)] = min(1, qty/5) else: items[self.item_set.index(weap_obj)] = 1 continue if stripped_inven_item in IGNORED_ITEMS: ignored += 1 continue #if sum(items) + ignored != len(self.nh.inventory): # #print("\n", sum(items), ignored, len(self.nh.inventory), "\n", self.nh.inventory) # #input("") return items
[docs] def is_monster_in_line_of_fire(self): """Check if the monster is present in the directions we can fire towards.""" mpos = self.cur_monster_pos #get_monster_pos() if mpos is None: verboseprint("No monster (so no LOF)") return False dx, dy = self.nh.cur_pos[0] - mpos[0], self.nh.cur_pos[1] - mpos[1] dx_i, dy_i = -1*(bool(dx > 0) - bool(dx < 0)), -1*(bool(dy > 0) - bool(dy < 0)) strength = self.nh.attributes['st'] if isinstance(strength, str) and '/' in strength: strength = strength.split("/")[0] arrow_range = (int(strength)//2) + 1 for mult in range(arrow_range): if self.nh.basemap_char(self.nh.cur_pos[0] + dx_i*mult, self.nh.cur_pos[1] + dy_i*mult) == ' ': return False if mpos[0] == self.nh.cur_pos[0] + dx_i*mult and mpos[1] == self.nh.cur_pos[1] + dy_i*mult: verboseprint("Monster in line of fire") return True verboseprint("Monster not in line of fire") return False
[docs] def get_ranged_info(self): """Get the projectile/ranged weapon info for the state.""" line_of_fire = 1 if self.monster_in_line_of_fire else 0 ammo_on_ground = 1 if len(self.nh.ammo_positions) > 0 else 0 standing_on_ammo = 1 if self.nh.char_under_player() == ')' else 0 return [line_of_fire, ammo_on_ground, standing_on_ammo]